Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Lilly, Pfizer: The new "Pet shop buys"

People (including yours truly) have previously commented about Eli Lilly's doggie prozac. WSJ health blog, Pharmalot and others have also featured Pfizer's Slentrol & Cerenia. (Update: See Pharmalot's postings here, here and here . Ed - thanks for links via comments).

The latest issue of BusinessWeek has some staggering statistics on the pet market. No wonder Lilly & others are gravitating to this market. You can read the full BusinessWeek article here. Here are some select stats:

  • Neuticles - A patented testicular implant for neutered pfidos has sold over 240,000 pairs at $900+ a pair
  • Americans spend $41 billion a year on pets (more than what they spend on movies and video games - about 10 to 12 billion each)
  • 42% of dogs sleep on the same bed as their owners
  • 77% of dogs have been medicated in the past year
  • 71 million US homes have at least one pet
Bet big pharma especially likes the last two of those stats.

In a related note, everyone has been receiving loads of spam e-mails for Viagra, Xanax, Prozac, Vicodin etc. etc....This morning however Pharmalyst was amused to receive this spam for pet medications. When the spammers have caught on, you know that this is a big trend.
That doggie picture at the top was due to courtesy of the WSJ health blog & flickr.

1 comment:

pharmalot said...


To see what Pharmalot posted on this topic, you can look here.
